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The purpose of a content when published in Google is to ensure it’s high ranking so that it gets maximum visibility. However, there are certain algorithm updates like the Google panda, Google Penguin and Google Hummingbird which the search engine uses to ensure quality and authenticity of the contents to rank them accordingly. So what are these algorithm updates? Let’s have a better understanding of them.

google panda

Google Panda: Released in 2011, this was a change to the search engine’s search results pertaining to the quality of the contents that were being posted.What does it do? Google Panda is meant to stop sites with poor quality content from ranking high on the search engine. It is updated periodically. The latest Panda Update is the Panda Recovery on July 18, 2013. During these updates, the sites which had been previously hit might escape,provided they have made the relevant changes.

google penguin

Google Penguin:  The Penguin update was launched in April 2012 in an effort to better arrest the sites that were found to be spamming the search results, especially those that were obtaining or buying links through networks  that were designed to boost the Google rankings. The latest version of the Penguin Update is the Penguin 2.1 (#5) launched on October 4, 2013. The purpose of the Penguin update has been to remove bad links and as a result remove spam.New such bad linking sites which were previously not caught can be trapped by the latest update.


Google Hummingbird:  This is the latest search algorithm from Google. It incorporates not only the previous used Page Rank but is searches are fast and accurate like never before. Hummingbird was released on  20th August 2013. It is an entirely engine built on both existing and new parts. It has been  organized in a way to especially serve the search demands of today, rather than one created for the needs a decade ago with old technologies of yesteryears.. Hence, it is search engine for the modern times

panda penguine hamingbird When you hire an SEO Expert, he or she is armed with the knowledge of these algorithm updates from Google, knowing them thoroughly. So the need an SEO Consultant is always there. After all when you hire a SEO Consultant, only then do you get to see how effectively your website starts crawling and ranking high in the Google searches!

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